Prayer Requests

We cherish your prayers, both for the country of Sweden and for our project.

Pray for Sweden
  • Awakening: For God to awaken Christ-followers in Sweden resulting in a new movement of evangelism, discipleship, church growth and social impact that touches the whole nation.
  • Honor Jesus: That the Name of Jesus be lifted up and celebrated among all peoples in Sweden (Phil. 2:10-11).
  • God’s Word: That the word of the Lord may spread rapidly and be glorified (2 Thess. 3:1).
  • Gospel Light: For the church to be a light for the nation by acting justly, loving mercy and walking humbly with God (Mt. 5:16; Mic. 6:8).
  • Fruitful: That Christ followers abide in Christ and bear much fruit (Jn. 15:5).
  • Leadership: For spiritual leaders to increase in the knowledge of God and live fruitfully in a manner worthy and pleasing to God (Col. 1:10).
  • Students: For Agape’s work of evangelism, discipleship and multiplication at universities in Uppsala, Stockholm and Lund.
  • Children: For tens of thousands of children to see the Jesus Film for children, respond by giving their lives to Jesus, and that a movement of children trusting in Jesus would begin. 

Pray for Our Team
  • Pray that our team would have Spirit-guided intercessory prayer with missionaries, church planters, church leaders and others resulting in encouragement, spiritual breakthroughs and spreading God’s love and Kingdom. 
  • Pray for our preparations, that we would be adequately equipped for our project, but that in our preparations we would stay focused on God.
  • Pray for our travels, that God would give us safety and that we would be a light to the many people we will encounter.
  • Pray for health for our team, so that we may fulfill God's purposes without being distracted

1 comment:

  1. We are praying for the people of Sweden whom God has prepared to hear His Word through you. And we are praying for all of you that God will "equip you with everything good that you may do His will" Heb. 13:21.
